Monday, January 4, 2010

Buying Zircon Leak Alert Electronic Water Detector Batteries Included, 3-Pack

I've been using these alarms for about three years. They work so well that today I bought three more on a Lightning Deal at Amazon. I put them everywhere. The alarm is very loud. My neighbor even once heard it and came over to ask what was going on. I guess if you're several rooms away with closed doors, you might not be able to hear it. If that's your concern, then maybe you should go to a more sophisticated industrial-type alarm that's perhaps wired into remote speakers. If you hold the alarm in your hand and touch the contacts with anything moist, I find the sound to be ear-piercing. I hold my thumb over the speaker hole to stifle the sound. I just don't think the loudness of the alarm is an issue, unless you're in a very large house or building, or otherwise far away from where the alarm is. The alarm will go off with the slightest moisture touching the contacts. The only way to turn it off -- aside from opening the device and disconnecting the battery (those squarish 9 volt ones), is to dry off the contacts. Much of the time that can be done easily. If water gets under the contacts, sometimes it takes a half minute or longer to get them dry. To speed up the drying process, I usually blast the contacts with hot air from a hair dryer. In any event, there's no off switch for the alarm. The device can be set flat on the floor or on its side to be less obtrusive. Either way, the contacts are touching the floor. If there's ANY water on the floor near the device, or even the slightest moisture near the contacts, the alarm will go off when you really didn't need it to go off. That can be annoying. It doesn't happen that often with me. Maybe once every few months. At least I know that when water gets on the floor where the device is, the alarm (from what I can tell) will never not go off. I have smoke alarms too, and I find those to be much more annoying. The water alarms do not chirp and otherwise do not offer false positives. The batteries seem to last forever. I haven't had to put new batteries in yet. It's very easy to figure out if the battery needs to be replaced. Just moisten your finger or touch the contacts with anything that's even slightly wet. If the alarm does not immediately go off, it's probably time for a new battery.

Not everyone needs these. I do need to know the moment there's any water on the floor. If you have any issues like that, I highly recommend these alarms. I paid about $7 apiece today. I think they're easily worth the regular price of $11.Get more detail about Zircon Leak Alert Electronic Water Detector Batteries Included, 3-Pack.

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