Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sierra Tools JB4840 Battery Operated Liquid Transfer Pump Decide Now

Ah, what hopes we all have for a bargain. And most anything under $10 is just that. And yet... and yet... along comes the JB4840 Battery Operated Liquid Transfer Pump. Now, we live out in the hinterlands of Georgia - don't get much more hinter than this - and we needed something simple to, well, transfer liquids... fuel a small tractor, remove water from the catch basin around the old Christmas tree. Ol' JB arrives... works for 3 minutes... we put it away, our new and treasured bargain... we take it out for its big presentation to Georgian mechanized society... she don't work no more. We go through 3 sets of batteries, just to be sure... nothing. Alas, a fool and his $10 soon are parted. Don't try to check the seals; the thing is held together by faith alone, fashioned of plastic fittings cheaper than the promise of a local politician (school board AND county). I've given it one star because of the bright colors on the box. Perhaps the box will work as a siphon? I envy those who have been able to use theirs once, let alone twice.Get more detail about Sierra Tools JB4840 Battery Operated Liquid Transfer Pump.

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