Friday, March 19, 2010

Little Giant PCP550 Pool Cover Pump Immediately

I've been bailing rain water off my above ground pool cover during the winter for 10 years. I've hated every freezing minute of it. I bought one of the manual pumps and couldn't even get the water to move thru the hose. I bought this one and had no problem setting it up, dropped it into the accumulated water and plugged it in. Water immediated started flowing thru the hose! Leaves were not a problem with the cover. It was fast, efficient and easy. When it was finished I just unplugged it and stored it the garage since it was going to be 20 degrees that night. Highly recommend this product to others with above ground pools that they cover in the winter. I'm also happy to see it has a 2 year warranty. You don't see that often anymore.Get more detail about Little Giant PCP550 Pool Cover Pump.

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